
搜索"泰莎·阿尔伯特森" ,找到 以下影视作品

你能否曾理想过能够在多重身份之间切换自若,能够随时开端新的生涯!现实上,艾莉丝这么做已经15年了。但是就在一次集会中,她已经作为“珍妮”时的前男友汤姆却认出了她。汤姆深信他们之间颇有渊源,但艾莉丝只是急忙分开,谢绝相认。汤姆想要晓得十年前毕竟产生了什么,艾莉丝毕竟为何会有如斯丰硕的阅历。在汤姆的保持之下,两人终于关闭心扉通宵长谈…… 「完整生疏」描写了两种人的生涯轨迹,经由过程大批感官特写来探究品德的多面性。
丽莎(萨顿·福斯特 Sutton Foster 饰)是一名年近四十的家庭主妇,她做“这一行”已经无数十年了,当她从家门中走出去,想要别的找一份任务之时,才发明已经认为手到擒来的事件,现在已经变得高弗成攀。 一次偶尔中,丽莎被一个偶遇的年青男子告诉本人基本就不像这个春秋的人,乃至看上去要年青许多,她的脑壳里想到了一个好想法。在挚友玛姬(黛比·玛扎 Debi Mazar 饰)的赞助下,丽莎重新到脚直接了一番改革,谎称本人二十六岁,向出书社投出了简历,果不其然,丽莎顺遂的掉掉落了这份任务。但是,这只是故事的开端,丽莎该怎样瞒哄本人春秋的机密,在竞争剧烈的职场上为本人挣得一片寰宇呢!
ABIGAIL dreams of acceptance. An eternal outcast returning to school for the first time after a mysterious event the previous year, Abigail escapes from her hostile surroundings by immersing herself in the worlds of the characters she reads about. MELISSA wants control-shes a sophomore struggling to ignore her dysfunctional home life by using her sex appeal and cruelty to manipulate her surroundings, latching on especially to her new and naive friend, Sophie. SOPHIE is convinced that Melissas life-that is, a life she sees as full of popularity, parties, boys, and power-is what will make her happy, and will stop at nothing to emulate her. ELLIE, an observant writer and Sophies childhood best-friend, isnt sure what she wants-except to get out of the rut of self-resentment and falsity that her peers have dragged her into, and to find proof that thats not all there is...Enter JEREMY, a substitute teacher going through some soul-searching of his own, who arrives at the school and introduces Abigails drama class to Arthur Millers The Crucible. The parallels between Abigails life and the play begin when Jeremy steps in as her scene partner, and she starts to sink into a familiar escape, immersing herself in this new character...but her plans take an unexpected turn when their relationship begins to move beyond the fantasy world shes constructed.This strange and taboo bond quickly becomes a source of fascination for both Ellie and Melissa. As she observes them, Ellie falls in love with their story, convinced shes finally found truth in a fake world-while Melissa is suddenly driven to see Abigail no longer as a victim, but as a threat. Well used to being the one earning male attention, Melissa resents the relationship building between Abigail and Jeremy, and their closeness quickly becomes a symbol of everything shes missing in her own life. Pulling Sophie into a downward spiral with her as she struggles to maintain her carefully constructed hierarchy, Melissa finally strikes out to destroy what Abigail has-and what shes always truly wanted-someone who will finally love her for who she really is.Set against the bleary backdrop of quiet suburbia, zoomed in on the lives of five lost souls within one close-knit high school, Blame is an honest coming-of-age tale about the many paths that become tangled when we refuse to face reality in our search for love.