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冰凉血腥!精细恐惧的破方体外部,埃瑞克·韦恩(扎卡里·贝内特 Zachary Bennett 饰)跟多德(戴维·哈本德 David Huband 饰)两名看管者百无聊赖应否手头的任务,偶然一瞥屏幕中受困者的行为。这一次,俏丽老练的妈妈卡珊德拉•瑞恩斯(史蒂芬·穆尔 Stephanie Moore 饰)跟女儿安娜在林间受到打击。当她醒来时,发明本人损掉部门影象,身处一个隔断密闭的空间。她好不轻易找到别的四名受困的生疏人,并跟他们谋划逃走,谁知设备内杀机四伏,稍不留神便会毙命。另一边,埃瑞克对受困者垂垂发生怜悯,他好像试图损坏这座布满诡计的杀人呆板……本片荣获2004年纽约恐惧片子节最佳殊效奖!2004年尖叫片子节最佳化装跟最佳殊效奖。
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在打鱼社区里,有些货色把鱼吓走了,因而外地当局找专家来查明本相。当迷信家达到后,人们就开端掉落,而只发明它们部份的遗体。 会不会是湖里的一只史前伟大鱿鱼乾的呢! 或许有更公道的说明吗!
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Wishmaster 4 - is a poor relation to the original. I have not seen 2 - or 3 - and just happened to see this on the Sci-Fi Channel. It was an entertaining movie, mostly because the star, James Trucco (Verdel) has such an uncanny similarity to SCOTT PETERSON, the accused killer of his wife and baby fetus. Seeing that guy play a Demonic role in W4 - made it seem more weird than it really was. The make-up on the main Djinn (John Novak) was almost comical. He looks like HERMAN MUNSTER's long-lost son. He also does not look very horrifying. Under the make-up, Novak looks like he got his acting lessons watching CREATURE FEATURE. W4 - is relatively fast-paced, but it has very few scares and not much that is scary. In the original, all of the horrible actions of the Djinn came to the attention of the female lead, Tara Spencer-Nairn, and she suffered a lot at the hands of the Djinn. In this move, the Djinn is trapped by the 3rd wish, and he must seduce Tara so she will accept him as he is. Sadly, the best scene, where the Djinn is making love to Tara, is where he should have transformed into Djinn and it would have been very terrifying. However, that scene took place with Verdel as Djinn, and Tara did not even register much shock or disgust later when she discovered that she had made lover to a demon. Part of the subplot has to do with her handicapped boyfriend, and that entiresubplot is not very positive, since the boyfriend is given the use of his legs. Overall, W4 - is not very complicated, it is kind-of a silly movie, and while there is some gore, it is not very gory. W4 - is a good time-killer, but it is not a classic Horror movie unless you are a fan of the Mystery Science Theatre.
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先先容前两集的前情提纲。恶魔呼啸系列的罪恶配角人称迪精,也就是正常人所谓的恶灵。迪精是太古波斯的恶灵,他被软禁在一颗镶嵌在雕像上的秘石中已达数百年之久,否则…至少是从上一集开端。在恶魔呼啸3中,前程看好的助教戴安娜柯林斯(A.J. Cook,逝世亡日志]),在年幼时得到全部亲人,因而心中常有自残的动机。她找到了这颗软禁迪精的秘石,天经地义的,迪精也乘隙逃了出来。而铁定会让很多女性不雅众忌妒的是,迪精占领了巴拉许传授(Jason Connery-没错,他就是史恩康纳莱的儿子-果真会让女性忌妒吧!)的身材,而他恰是戴安娜的倾慕者。迪精必需让戴安娜许下三个欲望,他能力翻开天堂之门,开释全部的邪灵。为了逼她许下第三个欲望,迪精在大黉舍园放肆屠杀,在戴安娜屈早年,他毫不收手。
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在一个仅有215名住平易近的关闭小镇Irénée-les-Neiges里,此中一位住平易近Simon Dubé逝世于不测车祸,这起喜剧也使得Dubé!镇长与其余镇平易近生涯蒙上暗影。在这个布满悲悼与繁重的时间,迷雾中开端有生疏人涌当初小镇,他们毕竟是谁?
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斯科特·米勒(尼克·莱德 Nic Rhind 饰)大学时期曾像许多年青人一样放纵不羁,他也因而受四处分。在此时期,家乡华盛顿夏保福镇的女友杰西(Robyn Ledoux 饰)被怙恃强制,与米勒分别。两年后,物是人非,米勒跟杰西再次相遇,只能感慨有缘无份。此时米勒曾经有了新的女友莉迪娅(Marina Pasqua 饰)。这是一个轻佻放纵的男子,她在鲨鱼俱乐部狂欢,最后惨逝世在洗手间内。偏巧目击这一局面的米勒被看成杀人凶手,遭到通缉。此前外地一所占有上百年汗青的教堂掉火,一名救火员在整顿现场时有意中翻开埋在地下的封印,只是恐惧的妖虫重返世间,而它也直接招致莉迪娅的逝世亡。得悉本相后的米勒,终极是否扑灭妖虫!
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Seventeen-year-old Cassie has become a recluse ever since her mother died in a horrible car accident. In an effort to fill the void, she downloads the latest intelligent personal assistant A.M.I., which is also the first to have a real consciousness. Their relationship quickly deepens into a twisted co-dependency and Cassie falls deeper and deeper under A.M.I.'s spell; driving her to perform what Cassie perceives as justifiable murderous acts. But what are A.M.I.'s true intentions? Soon Cassie begins to realize A.M.I. has something sinister planned.
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