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Months after they broke up, Gunnar receives a strange phone call from his ex-boyfriend, Einar. He sounds distraught, like he's about to do something terrible to himself. Gunnar drives up to the secluded cabin where Einar is holed up and soon discovers that there's more going on than he imagined. As the two men come to terms with their broken relationship, some other person seems to be lurking outside the cabin, wanting to get in.
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Olivia Sazon (Carmina Villarroel) is a mother who is desperate to find help for her terminally-ill daughter.  As she takes on a demanding job at a call center in an old building in Manila, Olivia begins to experience a series of strange events that creep into her personal life.  And when the events start to affect her daughter's behavior, Olivia is forced to uncover the mystery that lies within the call center walls...but what's waiting for her inside may be more sinister than she ever expected
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 Yaşar, a young man, has a hard time after his father's death. His inheritance from his father causes Yaşar to have problems with his stepmother. Meanwhile, Yaşar learns that her sister-in-law, Canan, who is living in the same house, is in love with her. While Yaşar is dealing with the inheritance issue and his sister-in-law, he realizes that there are some strange events at home. Yasar's mentally disordered daughter Efsun's dark past is unearthed, making things even more complicated. The pain of the family, who had to face the dark past of Efsun, is just the beginning for them.
恐怖片 喜剧 恐怖 马来西亚
恐怖片 恐怖 澳大利亚
1999年,澳洲布鲁姆。澳洲男青年班恩(内森·菲利普斯 Nathan Phillips 饰)与两名英国女孩克莉斯(凯斯蒂·莫拉希 Kestie Morassi 饰)跟莉兹(卡桑德拉·玛格拉斯 Cassandra Magrath 饰)驱车前往狼溪国度公园玩耍。经由两天的路程,汽车穿过荒漠的澳洲无人区终于达到了目标地。伟大的陨石坑带给三人的高兴转眼即逝,当三人想驾车前往时却发明汽车抛锚。深夜,一位善意人麦克( John Jarratt 饰)涌现,并允许带他们回本人的营地而且收费帮他们修车。麦克把三个年轻人带到一座放弃的矿场里,三个在麦克开朗的笑声里很快睡着了。莉兹醒来后,发明本人被关在一间堆栈里,而且四肢都被绑了起来。莉兹摆脱绳子妄图逃跑之时隔邻的房间里传来克利斯疼痛的叫嚷声,克利斯正在遭遇“善意人”麦克的迫害。此时班恩不知去往,莉兹必需想法救出克利斯。在澳洲中部阔他火食的矿场,三个年轻人的美好路程居然酿成恐惧的梦魇…… 本片依据上个世纪末在澳大利亚休姆高速公路沿途产生的“背包族凶杀案”改编。
恐怖片 恐怖 澳大利亚
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Follows a land surveyor on an assignment to measure an ancient forest for a developer but soon loses his reason in a supernatural environment that has its own plans.
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 Dinda who escapes the Kuntilanak (female vampire ghost) terror, without the agreement of Aunt Donna, intends to meet someone who is believed to be her biological mother, Karmila. Together with his younger siblings and accompanied by Julia and Edwin, they are trapped in a house in the middle of the forest. Many irregularities occur. Dinda again has to deal with Kuntilanak, but it was different from what she had defeated using spikes or spells.
恐怖片 恐怖 俄罗斯
年青的卡佳碰到一个快活的公司拜访家伙谁有一个特定的文娱 - 构造党在他人的空的霍斯。卡佳晓得准确的处所:一个陈旧的乡下别墅在海岸,其全部者分开很长一段时光。这个寂静的屋子,精力主义沙龙是上个世纪初,在每自我看来是一个很好的挑选。令人震动的是,即便恐怖的抛弃这个处所也不会恫吓任何人...在集会中,卡佳从未想到的人涌现:奥秘的屋子的主人...那自我...
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On a bloody night in a place where we are supposed to feel safe, a young man and his beloved are struggling not to reach the hospital, but to run away from it. They are trying to survive the night.
恐怖片 悬疑 恐怖 马来西亚
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 其它
A disabled man is haunted by the torture he suffered as a child when his terminally ill half-sister returns to their small Upstate New York town seeking answers to why their mother abandoned her 40 - years before, which sets them both on a tragic and horrific journey.
恐怖片 恐怖 澳大利亚
Sometime in the near future, paraplegic prison inmate Matt Mills meets "The Board" of Satoshi-Telefair Industries, who thank him for joining the Program. Under pressure and with a promise to make him walk again, Mills agrees to 册unteer. He is injected with a synthetic nanomaterial and suffocated, only to wake up with restored use of his legs, yet alone in a steel cell in the first spoke of an experimental apparatus - The Wheel. A series of assailants inflict a multitude of damage to Mills' body and torment his mind, yet the synthetic nanomaterial not only restores his damaged organs, it re-engineers his strength. The experiment might be designed to kill, but Mills is determined to survive - and get back to his daughter before The Board finds her first.
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An otherworldly evil is slipping into a small town in Sweden. Six unrelated girls have been chosen to fight this evil. Together they must overcome their differences in order to save themselves and the world.
恐怖片 惊悚 悬疑 恐怖 澳大利亚
A young medical student attempts to cure her brother from a terminal sleep illness called Fatal Familial Insomnia, where you are unable to sleep until you die. On her quest to help him, a more sinister reason for his condition is revealed.
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Natalia is a 19-year-old novice who reluctantly returns home to say goodbye to her dying father. But when she meets up with her sister and her friends, she decides instead to travel the jungle in search of mystical plant. There, instead of pleasure, they find a world of Black Masses, strange pregnancies, bloody deaths and for the nun herself, a sexually violent clash with the Devil himself.
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Finally, graduated and off to Croatia. It's supposed to be the "party of their lives." But for Julia and her friends their graduation trip turns into a horror trip, from which not everyone will return.
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Philip, a solitary proof reader, is trapped in his apartment, too afraid to leave and tortured by an unknown evil force that has kept him prisoner for the last two years.
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 澳大利亚
两对情侣——迈特(Leigh Whannell 饰)跟尼娜(Mirrah Foulkes 饰)!杰克(Nathan Phillips 饰)跟丽贝卡(Melanie Vallejo 饰)结伴离开澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚岛。这里在18世纪到19世纪间,曾是大英帝国用来放逐监犯的小岛,岛上前提恶劣,难以逃走,除了一个名叫亚历山大•皮尔斯(Peter Docker 饰)的爱尔兰男子。 尼娜的姊姊曾离开这里寻觅灭尽已久的塔斯马尼亚虎,但姊姊最后竟奥秘逝世亡。8年后同样攻读生物学的尼娜离开此地,实现姊姊未竟的宿愿,并试图解开姊姊逝世亡的谜团……
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恐怖片 惊悚 悬疑 恐怖 俄罗斯
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 科幻 剧情 澳大利亚
丝莉亚(伊莉莎白莫斯 饰)自愿害狂迷信家男友熬煎至半逝世,多少经艰苦才逃离魔掌。某日她收到告诉,获悉对方自残身亡,更预料地留给她一笔可不雅财富,怪事随即连环产生,陷井逝世局,诈光尽现,身边人也一一遭殃。丝莉亚身心彻底瓦解,认定所有由[看不见]的前度作怪,当面更隐蔽天大机密;面前一片凶白,随时已身陷惊杀。
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 马来西亚
After losing their child, a couple starts a fresh chapter in a new home where evil spirits lurk. Meanwhile, a robber experiences the same dark omens.
恐怖片 恐怖 奇幻 澳大利亚
吸血鬼莱斯塔特(斯图尔特·汤森 Stuart Townsend 饰)从长逝中清醒,他不甘于趋于暗中之中,于是他曝光于平易近众之下成为了一个摇滚歌手,一次不测莱斯塔特救了图书治理员杰西·瑞薇丝(玛格丽特·莫罗 Marguerite Moreau 饰),他的身份被杰西发明。莱斯塔特用他的歌声叫醒了传说中觉醒千年的吸血鬼女王阿卡沙(阿丽雅 Aaliyah 饰),阿卡沙与莱斯塔特开展了一场向旧仇敌的抨击筹划,可他不想到阿卡沙终极目标是想跟他一同变世间为炼狱,统治全人类。与此同时杰西也爱上了莱斯塔特,莱斯塔特会怎样挑选!本片与「夜访吸血鬼」一样改编自安妮·芮丝(Anne Rice)的滞销系列小说——「吸血鬼传记」(Vampire Chronicles)。©豆瓣
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恐怖片 惊悚 悬疑 恐怖 动作 剧情 犯罪 俄罗斯
A company of friends rises in the funicular to meet unforgettably New Year's Eve on the top of the mountain. The guys are already anticipating how they will cheerfully slide down to the beat of the chimes and explosions of fireworks. But the adventure turns into a real nightmare, when in the midst of the holiday a flimsy trailer gets stuck over the precipice.
恐怖片 悬疑 恐怖 其它
16世纪,一个无名的炼金师为求得长生,制造了名为“妖怪银爪(Cronos)”的安装。它可连续人的性命,令其规复芳华活气,却也请求人类支付响应的价值。多少经辗转,珍藏着妖怪银爪的雕像落入仁慈的骨董贩子耶稣·格里斯(Federico Luppi 饰)的手中。他偶尔发明这个安装 及其隐蔽的机密,于是对其发生依附,听凭妖怪银爪将他酿成为了芳华而嗜血的怪物。另一方面,身材孱弱的巨贾安吉拉·迪拉·加迪亚(Ron Perlman 饰)得悉妖怪银爪在耶稣的手中,于是想方设法要将它弄得手,为此不吝大开杀戒…… 本片为导演吉尔莫·德尔·托罗(Guillermo del Toro)的长片童贞作,并荣获1993年墨西哥Ariel奖金奖跟最佳男配角!最佳导演!最佳童贞作!最佳原创故事!最佳制造!最佳编剧跟最佳殊效等多个奖项。
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 动作 其它
恐怖片 恐怖 澳大利亚
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 其它
When six-year-old Sophie is tragically orphaned guardianship is assigned to her estranged aunt Annabelle. The two move into a large, eerie, Victorian house where Sophie unearths a locked wooden box with a strange symbol drawn on it. Desperate to connect with her niece Annabelle pries the lock open revealing a beautiful music box. Each time the music box is wound and replayed it's surprisingly chilling melody plays slightly longer, captivating Sophie even more. When the music box begins affecting Sophie's behavior and health Annabelle seeks the aid of a child psychologist and clairvoyant who soon discover the music box is possessed by an evil spirit who seeks to haunt Sophie and destroy Annabelle. As the haunting intensifies time begins to run out and Annabelle finds herself racing against the music box's melody to defeat the spirit before the last note plays.
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 动作 犯罪 其它
恐怖片 惊悚 恐怖 俄罗斯