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It is winter in a prestigious all boys' boarding school, where children continue to practice age-old rituals and codes bound by years of hierarchy of the popular norm. Shay is picked at constantly, the main perpetrators being Arjun, the tall athletic sports captain and his best friend Baadal. Shay and Prithi, the spunky daughter of the new Junior School Principal are cast as Bassanio and Portia in the Founders Day production of Merchant of Venice. Murali, the charismatic drama teacher unknowingly adds salt to Baadal's wounds by casting him as Shay's understudy. Indignant, Baadal vows to get Shay's part at any cost and turns to his buddy Arjun for help. Events take a sinister turn when Shay walks in on Arjun, Baadal and their cronies on a debauched night.
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Shreyas Talwalkar gets admitted to a college where he meets DSP, a rookie guy in the college who is the leader of a gang, after sometime they become good friends. There is also another gang leader Sainath who has rivlary with DSP. Meanwhile Shreyas sees Shireen a newcomer girl and falls in love with her at the first sight. Dsp is having an affair with Surekha who is studying in his college. When a guy tries to propose Surekha, DSP beats him and during this fight, Shreyas gets caught by Inspector Inamdar and gets slapped by him. when Dsp and his gang sees Inamdar's daughter Meenakshi in the college, they plan to avenge Shreyas by making Meenakshi fall in love with Shreyas. Their plan succeeds but Shreyas doesn't love Meenakshi, while Shreyas and Shireen are in love with each other. Shreyas is suffering from somekind of Nasal disease. Surekha gets married and DSP gets completely broken. Shreyas comes to know that Shireen's marriage is fixed with Sainath. Meanwhile Shreyas tells ...
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披星戴月地任务却仍然过着平淡生涯的Vivaan与Siya,为他们博得去斐济岛享用异国风情的全包度假旅而高兴不已。主理方不止供给了一间奢华旅店的奢华套房,还约请这对小伉俪去斐济最棒的度假胜地之一苏瓦共进午餐,庆贺他们的完婚留念日。 当匹俦俩见到风骚倜傥的东道主可汗老师时难免愈加激昂,由于可汗老师给他们一个介入游戏“说出全部本相”的机遇,赢家能够掉掉落令人难以相信的21亿卢比奖金。游戏规矩很简略:照实答复8个发问,并实现全部受尊重的义务,钱都是你的。Vivaan与Siya怅然赞成,由于他们能够把这笔奖金带回孟买,过他们盼望已久的妄想生涯。游戏之初,Vivaan与Siya当真作答每一个疑问,并胜利地实现了指界说务。但是跟着游戏的推动,游戏疑问跟义务变地越来越针对自我。每一个疑问都拥有讥讽象征地波及到他们生涯过程的主要篇章。 Vivaan与Siya受够了这个游戏,他们挑选退出。可汗老师提示他们忘了一个主要规矩,他们不挑选退出的权力。他们认识到,这不是一个真正的游戏,但是生活的独一门路就是实现游戏。可汗老师毕竟是何人!Vivaan与Siya能在游戏中幸存并博得那21亿吗!
剧情片 印度
丹尼什是個啞巴,從小就夢想成為電影明星,長大後他到孟買找機會,但他是個啞巴,誰會用他呢! 丹尼什碰到了阿克莎拉,阿克莎拉運用高科技產品幫助丹尼什開口說話,並找到了擁有完善嗓音的阿米特巴來當配音。 丹尼什順利成為電影巨星,但他跟阿米特巴之間也渐渐產生間隙,最後結局怎样,讓我們刮目相待。
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十五年前,在浦那,米莎( 雅米·高塔姆 扮演)刚接完儿子罗宾下学回家。莱克(纳瓦祖丁·史迪奇 扮演)跟错误哈尔曼介入了一场银行掳掠案,撤退时上了米莎的车仓促而逃。在进程中,莱克一时激动开枪杀了米莎,而罗宾也掉慎罹难。莱克被警方捉住,而哈尔曼在莱克赞助下胜利逃走....米莎的老公拉古( 瓦伦·达万 扮演)听到新闻后,在伤心欲绝之余,却黑暗酝酿开端了一场复仇之旅…拉古先是找到了莱克探听朋友着落未果,然后又跟莱克恋人吉俏丽(胡玛·库雷希 扮演)产生关联以报复莱克…法院终于作出裁决莱克20年有期徒刑,意气消沉的拉古分开了浦那,离开巴德拉普尔Badlapur (badla在马拉地语为转变!转机之意)用意自残却得逞。 转瞬十五年从前了,跟着NGO志工舒布哈( 迪薇雅·杜塔 扮演)的涌现,告知拉古莱克已患癌症,只有一年可活,生机拉古能谅解莱克,使其提前出狱…拉古认识到了复仇的机遇,从莱克之母口中得听到了莱克朋友哈尔曼的着落,一步步凑近,在博取哈尔曼老婆信赖之后,又在趁其不备之际,将伉俪俩残暴杀戮抛尸田野。 终于拉古找到了莱克,报复雪耻的时间终于离开,而莱克却说拉古跟本人没两样,杀米莎的人是他本人而不是哈尔曼。纸包不住火,哈尔曼跟其妻掉落终被警方破案,而此时莱克又做出了什么出其不料的决议! 复仇毕竟能否值得!而在复仇之路上拉古又得到了几多,得到了几多…坏人与坏人兴许就在一念之间...
剧情片 爱情 剧情 印度
剧情片 儿童 印度
To chase her dream of going to school in her remote Himalayan village, a feisty paraplegic girl locks horns with her tradition-bound grandfather. Sprightly Chuskit's dream of going to school is cut short when she is rendered a paraplegic after an accident. She's confined to life indoors in the company of her strict grandfather, Dorje. Chuskit continues to harbor hopes of school but Dorje tries to make her understand that school can't handle her needs. As life at home gets harder, her battle with her grandfather exacerbates. Caught in between their struggle are Chuskit's parents and her enterprising brother who want to respect the old world views that Dorje represents, but also want to keep Chuskit's spirit alive. Chuskit will have to get her grandfather to yield or she will have to accept the reality he has chosen for her.
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The social thriller starring the two year baby girl. She is living in a home where the adults are going through a complicated phase. Being a toddler, she is occasionally trapped in the accidental situations.
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剧情片 惊悚 印度
It is a spine chilling tale of a pregnant mother who sets out on a dangerous mission to unravel the mystery and save her loved ones.
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It is a spine chilling tale of a pregnant mother who sets out on a dangerous mission to unravel the mystery and save her loved ones.
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剧情片 剧情 印度
 A happy-go-lucky guy lands in trouble after he locks horns with an egoistic lady. Both of qigou.cc them try to outsmart each other during various situations.
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一名年青男子与一名流力车夫堕入德律风爱情,她前去他地点的都会,但途中与一个生疏人的相遇,使他们的会见横生不测 ​​​​
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剧情片 战争 印度
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Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story re册ves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl Sakina and Chotu, her 8-year old brother who live in a picturesque village nestled among the sand dunes. Having lost their parents to an accident at a very early age, they live with their uncle and aunt. Chotu is blind but he is anything but sad. Happy, precocious and a smart ass, he is the life of the village.Sakina is his eyes, his guide and his best friend. And Chotu is the center of Sakina's universe. As children sometimes do, not truly understanding the consequences, Sakina has promised Chotu that he will be able to see by the time he turns 9 - and as always, Chotu believes her unconditionally. On their weekly trip to the neighboring village to see a movie, Sakina sees a poster with Sharukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes. Sakinais convinced that her reel life hero ... Written by Nagesh Kukunoor
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维卡是衔着金汤匙出身的令媛大少爷,一次偶尔之中,他相逢了名为苏尼塔(普拉姆·达伦 Poonam Dhillon 饰)的俏丽男子。固然苏尼塔出身于穷困之家,靠着在酒吧卖唱维生,但她仍然保有着高洁的魂魄跟正派的心坎,这一点深深的吸引着维卡,两人很快就走到了一同。维卡的这段情感受到了母亲沙达的激烈支持,母子两人大吵一架,之后维卡离家出奔,决议与苏尼塔私奔。 但是,在一场车祸中,苏尼塔可怜受伤毁容,此时沙达涌当初了她的眼前,她允许出钱赞助苏尼塔医治伤势,但苏尼塔必需赞成就此分开本人的儿子,苏尼塔坚决的拒绝了她。沙达诱骗维卡苏尼塔曾经逝世了,这让维卡悲伤欲绝。
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年青的墨客阿米特在大黉舍园中跟俏丽的普加相爱了,但是普加的父亲却把她许配给了修筑师维杰。悲伤的阿米特回家接办了父亲的修筑公司,厥后娶了安吉,两人育有一女斯维迪,而安吉在婚前有一个私生女萍吉,交由卡普尔大夫匹俦收养。 时光飞逝,普加跟维杰的儿子维吉在一个集会中爱上了萍吉,两人盘算完婚。当萍吉得悉本人是被收养去找亲生母亲安吉,阿米特看出了安吉的异常,异常担忧。而维吉在跟随萍吉的进程中跟斯维迪也关联也变的庞杂,这所有所有的抵触都将在一场大火中掉掉落终极的谜底。。。
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Radha (Smita Patil) and Ramu (Mithun Chakraborty) are siblings. Their parents Shyam and Sita are singers. Once, Shyam and Sita go to perform in Jalpaiguri to get some money, since they are in a poor status and they have to pay a monthly rent. While performing in Jalpaiguri, Sita catches the eye of a rich and powerful man called A.M. Singh (Amrish Puri). He stops them in the mid way home, kills Shyam and rapes Sita. Radha and Ramu get the news that their parents are dead. The house proprietor banishes them and they become homeless. Years later, Radha and Ramu have achieved success and are popular singers now. Ramu falls in love with Janita (Mandakini) and Radha gets married to Resham (Shakti Kapoor), who is their troupe member. They all sing and perform together. However, Resham becomes different and strange. He comes to abuse Radha. When Ramu comes to know that, he tries to prevent him, but Radha does not allow him to do it. Radha finds out that she is pregnant. She comes to inform her husband and finds him with another woman in their bed. She reacts angrily and Resham beats her in such a cruel way, that she passes away in the hospital. Ramu takes to alcohol in a big way, while Janita who has to perform in Jalpaiguri because of the contract, catches the eye of none other than A.M. Singh. The story repeats and Singh's people stop Janita in the midway home, but surprisingly, Sita, Ramu's mother kills them and rescues Janita. Janita brings Sita and there Ramu meets his mother after 20 - years. He recognizes her immediately. Ramu organizes a big concert which will be dedicated to his sister. There, A.M. Singh appears again. Ramu gets who he is and kills him. Several scenes follow very closely those from the film Fast Forward (1985) directed by Sidney Poitier.
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  年青美丽的席邓兰蜜斯才干过人,运营无方,经由过程铁碗手腕将父亲纳拉亚恩本来运营不善!濒临开张的一家公司一跃酿成为海内数一数二的实业公司,优胜的社会位置使她专断专行,骄奢野蛮,令人憎恨。继续父业的她看待企业员工跋扈蛮横,是典范的“武则天范例“的女能人,也是极真个女权主义者。不只仅是员工对她敬畏有加,连身生怙恃都对这个养尊处优的女儿又爱又怕。尤其是对正值谈婚论嫁春秋的女儿的亲事头疼不已,而她自己却嗤之以鼻。  才貌双全的她自信地以为:世界不哪个男子可以有资历婚配跟驾御她,除非是老天爷专门支配一个为她如许的女能人而出身的男子。  她买卖上的竞争敌手想经由过程攀亲的方法兼并她的企业,成果不只被她谢绝了求婚要求,并且还被当众无情地揭露并遭到奚落跟耻辱。对方对她的狂妄无礼挟恨在心,为前面的祸端埋下了伏笔。
剧情片 喜剧 剧情 印度
The Lift Boy is a coming of age story of a 24-year-old vagabond who is forced to work at a posh building in Mumbai as a Lift Boy when his bread-winning father falls ill.
剧情片 剧情 印度
Nathicharami is about Gowri whose life is perplexed between her physical desires and emotional beliefs. The film narrates the struggles of the protagonist in a society that believes physical desires can only be followed by a nuptial. She is stuck in her ordinary life with people from her daily life pattern who talk about their notions that are in contrary to the other. Finally, when she feels that she has overcome her ambiguity, the situation takes a leap. The film is also a grave narration about the nuances, women from all walks of life face.
剧情片 爱情 喜剧 印度
穆迪特看上了一个女人叫苏甘妲,但是忸怩,始终蛮久了,他都欠好心理跟苏甘妲谈话.终于有一天,他雄起,兴起勇气想跟苏甘妲谈话,可在前进进程中,他被一头熊抱住了大腿,因此得名"熊孩子"."熊孩子"为难了,于是在线求婚,男女两边家庭会晤了,肯定了亲事.起首订亲,而后再完婚.订亲后,一天,两自我觅得机遇豪情豪情,但是症结时间,穆迪特这个"熊孩子"雄不起起来了,这就疑问大条了.没幸福了,没性福了,这可不得了.于是..... PS:这应当是印度首部环绕性功效阻碍为主题的片子.
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Nani (Allari Naresh) is a trepid and fearful guy who works as a software engineer. Bullet (Sakshi Chaudhary) is a mafia don in Dubai. Her mother doesn't know about Bullet's profession. Bullet is forced to come back to India when her mother falls ill. Her mother's last wish is to get Bullet married. That's when Nani falls in love at first sight with Bullet when she visits a temple wearing a traditional dress. Rest of the story is all about what happens when a coward like Nani marries a gangster girl without knowing her real profession.
剧情片 爱情 印度
An amalgamation of four different love stories: Seenayya and Suvarna, a middle-class couple in a small town; Gautham, a youngster romancing in Paris with Iza, Union Leader Srinu in love with his boss lady, and a first college romance.
剧情片 喜剧 印度
剧情片 历史 印度
剧情片 爱情 印度
Award-winning actor Konkona Sensharma makes her feature debut as a writer-director with this coming-of-age story about a shy young Indian student who quietly and fatefully unravels during a family road trip.