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Mondo cane (A Dog's World, 1962) is a documentary written and directed by Italian filmmakers Paolo Cavara, Franco Prosperi and Gualtiero Jacopetti. The film consists of a series of travelogue vignettes that provide glimpses into cultural practices around the world with the intention to shock or surprise Western film audiences. These scenes are www. 5233tv.com presented with little continuity, as they are intended as a kaleidoscopic display of shocking content rather than presenting a structured argument. Despite its claims of genuine documentation, certain scenes in the film are either staged or creatively manipulated to enhance this effect. 是一部记录片,由意大利片子制片人保罗·卡瓦拉!弗朗哥·普洛斯彼里跟瓜蒂耶罗·雅克佩蒂执导。这部片子由一系列游览小品构成,供给了天下各地文明实际的一瞥,目标是震动或惊喜东方片子不雅众。这些场景是出现的,多少乎不持续性,由于它们旨在展现令人震动的内容,而不是出现构造化的论点。只管它宣称是实在的文件,但片子中的某些场景要么是经由舞台扮演,要么是经由发明性的把持,以加强这种后果。
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「通向行星路」的制造期长达三年,它是一部大志壮志的认识状态片子,包括着极具首创性的殊效跟精深的手工模子作品。这部影片对库布里克「2001太空周游」(2001 - A Space Odyssey,1969)中对掉重状况!炽热的星球跟扭转式的太空站模子的在事实主义描述有着主要影响。 Klushantsev的「通向行星路」捕获到了太空竞争的时期思潮。依照莫斯科片子权要的指导,他在影片中增长了苏联第一个绕地卫星的模子。成果,这部五非常钟片子在苏联激发了不雅众的惊恐。据报道,片子片断在美国电视播放时,有些不雅众惊恐得晕厥从前。 这使得他随后的影片也是他独逐一部尺度长片——1962年的「狂风雨之星」让人有点绝望。这部影片是这一时期苏联科幻片子着名度较高的一部,故事由一队到金星摸索的苏联航天员开展,步队中有四个男子,一个女孩,另有一个粗笨的呆板人(这个呆板人很显著是效仿了米高梅影片「忌讳星球」(Forbidden Planet,1956)中的呆板人脚色)。当两个宇宙飞船被流星捣毁时,这一队人自愿在星球名义降低着陆。他们一着陆就碰到狠毒的蜥蜴人,抢夺性的翼龙跟食人的动物,而最后,他们得以逃离,回到太空中。
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Wide Open Sky是一部来自澳大利亚的记录片,它记载了澳大利亚莫拉贝拉好声响独唱团的温馨故事。他们将从试镜到年初音乐会的过程记载上去,以展现给不雅众。在这里,体育是霸道,音乐教导是不存在的。只管如斯,批示家米歇尔对独唱团仍有很高的希望。她想教孩子们今世的,原创的,请求较高的音乐。Wide Open Sky是一个损坏性跟美感并存的记录片,是一个动听的童年可能性的静态出现,并提示咱们为什么孩子们都应当生长在有音乐的情况,而非隔断音乐的情况。
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赌王”何鸿燊去世,跌荡崎岖的终生造诣贸易奇不雅, 一代传奇闭幕
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A foreign language, distinct habits, strange surroundings. Moving from Poland to Argentina at the age of eight is a dumbfounding experience for Janek. Facing new surroundings is not easy at first. Soon he, however, befriends a local girl, Marcia, and the foreign life begins to feel more tolerable. Still, the realities of everyday life in a poor village cast a shadow on their games. Despite her young age, Marcia has to take responsibility for her family.Through his son’s eyes, Wojciech Staroń depicts life in the Azara village in northeast Argentina. The filmmaker moved to the village with his family after his wife’s work. The film was shot over two years, resulting in a touchingly beautiful documentary that sheds light on a child’s world and on the differences between countries.Skillfully executed The Argentinian Lesson has won numerous prizes on international film festivals.
纪录片 剧情 澳大利亚
天下上四处都有猫奴! 本片率领不雅众走进岛国日本奇特而跋扈狂的猫文明天下。追随英国的YouTube名流克里斯·布洛德,他的作品中记载了很多以猫为中央的体育场合,如猫主题咖啡馆!酒吧!寺庙,乃至全部猫岛! 发明猫与人类任务的关联,摸索怎样能力与猫友爱的相处,并揭开标忘性猫雕像的起源。猫的国家,一部对于猫跟岛国日本,另有一个莫明其妙的英国佬的故事,但重如果猫。
纪录片 剧情 澳大利亚
维生素,又称维他命,适量摄取可坚持身材安康,而适量则会中毒。维生素已成为代价千亿美元的工业,Derek Muller博士报告维生素的迷信跟汗青,以及怎么公道摄取。 Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line our supermarket shelves. But how safe are these products? Is it true that vitamins are “natural” and therefore can’t do you any harm? How are they regulated, and how can parents make the right choices for their children’s health? These surprisingly urgent questions are investigated by scientist Dr Derek Muller in Vitamania, the latest documentary made by Emmy Award-winning Australian filmmakers, Genepool Productions.
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柏林常以一种富有亚文明的抽象示人,西柏林的酷儿文明则是此中的主要一面。这里不只有活泼的派对文明!性别的多样性,更发生了种独具特点的俱乐部。别的,同性恋博物馆!艾滋病支援构造跟柏林片子节泰迪熊奖等各种与之相干的构造跟运动纷纭在此树破阵地。现实上,酷儿文明在柏林的出生与开展 并不顺遂:1969年之前,同性恋会被当局抓捕跟治罪。但西柏林的同道群体仍然倔强存活,把这座都会开展成属于同道群体的多数市。七十年月末,西柏林迎来性自在!政治自在跟社会融会的热潮时期;但光辉之下,侵袭寰球的艾滋病也让酷儿文明蒙上一层暗影。 该片将镜头瞄准西柏林的同道群体,记载他们从二战后到柏林墙坍毁前的生涯。包含政治运动家!俱乐部运营者!音乐家!古装计划师等各种群体描写了各种汗青变乱的活泼局面。影片同时也公然了习见档案资料,率领不雅众穿梭时空,明白西柏林的汗青与文明魅力。(小易甫字幕组)
记录片 纪录片 俄罗斯
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网飞出品的记录片「正宗LA」宣布预报。这部记录片的配角是文身师Mister Cartoon跟拍照师!MV导演Estevan Oriol。兴许这两人的名字对正常人不是那么如雷贯耳,但他们对美国嘻哈文明影响异常深远。预报片中涌现的科比跟埃米纳姆等大牌明星都曾找Mister Cartoon文身。而Estevan Oriol曾拍摄过罗伯特·德尼罗!阿尔·帕西诺等浩繁好莱坞明星。这部记录片将为你展示好莱坞差其余一面。该片将于4月10日在网飞上线。
纪录片 马来西亚
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King Bibi explores Benjamin Netanyahu's rise to power, relying solely on archival footage of his media performances over the years: from his days as a popular guest expert on American TV, through his public confession of adultery, and his mastery of the art of social media. From one studio to another, "Bibi" e册ved from Israel's great political hope, to a controversial figure whom some perceive as Israel's savior, and others - as a cynical politician who will stop at nothing to retain his power.
纪录片 战争 其它
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伊斯坦布尔的猫并不克不及简略归类为咱们素日所见的家猫或流落猫,它们自在地收支于人类的生涯,密切但又保有自在,介乎于野生与驯养之间。在伊斯坦布尔,如许的猫不计其数只,它们以如许的方法跟伊斯坦布尔共生了数千年。伊斯坦布尔人爱猫,很多人都有本人跟猫之间奇特的故事,与其说是猫依附人 ,不如说是人依附着与猫之间的密切与拘束,有人认为猫是本人跟天主之间的桥梁,有人认为猫是本人活活着上的一面镜子。伊斯坦布尔的猫之以是特殊,由于它们也是这里的住平易近,伊斯坦布尔是它们的都会。
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Described as a modern-day King Solomon, one man has the impossible task of assigning a dollar value to life. US attorney Ken Feinberg is responsible for compensating victims of America's most tragic events-Agent Orange, the BP oil spill, Sandy Hook, 9/11.
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古装,是美得弗成能的艺术,同时也是无奈防止的贸易买卖。 但是,总有人脱俗出尘。Dries Van Noten,是时髦界的谦谦正人,25年来,他不赶风行,不追season,不靠财团营运,只靠自我品牌出类拔萃。「Vogue」说他是独破计划师的佼佼者,「纽约时报」描述他是「a man of little ego and big ideas」。在这个虚夸时期,Dries Van Noten继承专一低调,不到纷华靡丽的巴黎争妍争艳,宁静的在比利时做本人以为不褪风行的「时髦」。 让咱们追随导演Reiner Holzemer的镜头,潜入这位时髦正人的365天——从散步家中花圃!埋首任务室的日与夜,到台后的绝密片断;加上时髦婆婆Iris Apfel站台与Radiohead高音结他手Colin Greenwood的配乐,细看Dries的15’春夏系列,怎样以优雅的姿势,温顺地俘虏时髦界的心。
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Every year on May 9th, a celebration of the Soviet victory in World War II takes place.
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「心坎之光」在一家休养院视察了聪慧症患者的一样平常生涯,并勇于对这种特别状况直接诗意的解释。这部片子开展了一种激烈的与主人公的情绪密切感,使咱们有可能休会他们对天下的意见,并提醒他们的灵气——他们的内涵光。 Stefan Sick’s documentary film Das innere Leuchten (The Inner Light, prod: AMA FILM, Stuttgart) observes in a nursing home the daily life of those affected by dementia and dares a poetic interpretation of this special state. Developing a strong sense of emotional intimacy with the protagonists, the film makes it possible for us to experience their perspective on the world and reveals their aura — their inner light.
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Alfonso Cuarón reflects on the childhood memories, period details and creative choices that shaped his Academy Award-winning film "Roma".
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义大利是遭到2008年金融危急最严峻袭击的欧友邦度,这多少年来赋闲率飙升到达11%,贫困生齿也逐年回升,在2015年总计有一千七百五十万名贫平易近,每四个义大利人中就有一个是穷困的。但是金融危急的风暴不只止于义大利,很多欧洲国度都深受其害——爱尔兰深受房地产破沫化危急的袭击;葡萄牙也遭到重击,并开端实行纾困计划。金融危急让很多疑问落井下石,也使得本来各国自身拥有的构造性缺点,变得愈加软弱。曾担负德国大众播送同盟(ARD)特派的罗尔夫-迪特・克劳施谈到金融危急招致了[全部掉败都呈等比级数增长]。 葡萄牙举债的融资形式在2011年瓦解,国度处于停业边沿,葡萄牙不得不要求[三驾马车]的支援,它们许诺拨给葡萄牙约八百亿欧元的紧迫融资存款。但是,这笔救济资金附带严厉的压缩前提,包括增添大众付出!进步税负,并将国度企业平易近营化,并且最主要的是,还要求降低休息本钱。这些撙节政策招致贫困生齿大批增长!穷困家庭数目跟赋闲率降低!很多劳工的生涯前提严峻好转,中产阶层也遭到异常大的衝击。 在欧债危急暴发之时,爱尔兰也成为支援工具。[三驾马车]拨出675亿欧元存款,让爱尔兰当局有资金周转,同样附带严苛的撙节前提。爱尔兰是欧洲救济筹划的榜样生,所无数据都有生长的迹象。三年后,爱尔兰终于在2013年停滞接收金援,本国企业开端再度大批投资,出口量增长!赋闲率降低,固然债权金额仍旧宏大,但[爱尔兰形式]又从新启动了。但是,对很多人来说,流浪到陌头的可能性,照旧可能产生在转霎时。
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纪录片 澳大利亚
The Discussion of Artificially Intelligence replacing Humans. And the Technological Increases of Artificial Intelligence (Moore's Law) Capabilities, Artificial Intelligence that learns. 对于人工智力代替身类的探讨。人工智能(摩尔定律)的技巧先进才能,人工智能的进修才能。
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A documentary film about the Brazilian town of Toritama, the self-proclaimed capital of jeans. The workers of the city’s self-managed small businesses only get one real break from their self-exploiting lives in the textile business: the annual Carnival. 柏林片子节全景单位
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1918. As the roar of the First World War cannons is dying out, in Vienna, the heart of Central Europe, a golden age comes to an end. This Exhibition On Screen delves into the turn-of-the-century Vienna artworld and includes tours through exhibitions of Klimt and Schiele’s works. Today the masterpieces of these two artists attract visitors from all over the world, in Vienna as well as at the Neue Galerie in New York, but there are also pop images that accompany our daily life on posters, postcards and calendars. Inspired by some of the many exhibitions that are about to open on the occasion of the centenary, the film guides us through the halls of Albertina, Belvedere, Kunsthistorisches, Leopold, Freud and Wien Museum, retracing this extraordinary season: a magical moment for art, literature and music, in which new ideas are circulated, Freud discovers the drives of the psyche, and women begin to claim their independence. An age that revealed the abysses of the ego, in which today we’re still reflecting ourselves.
纪录片 澳大利亚
Just over 40 - years ago, marriage in China was arranged by the state. Romantic love was seen as a capitalist concept and was not allowed during this period. Wedding photography (if any at all) consisted of one black and white passport photo of the couple (dressed in Mao- style outfits) as proof of the marriage. Now, China has fallen in love with love and its exploding wedding industry is worth 80 - billion dollars, and it is on an upward curve. Pre-wedding photography is one of the most significant and curious parts of the industry. Every couple marrying in China will take part in a pre-wedding shoot. It in册ves several costume and backdrop changes where you can become a character in any fantasy you choose. For the most exotic lo- cations couples pay up to $250 - 000 - AUD. Pre-wedding photo shoots have become an important national ritual. They are proof of the marriage but now also of love, romance, freedom, status, money and the new China Dream. As an expat living in Shanghai with a long history of coming to China, Sinophile photographer Olivia Mar- tin-McGuire was captivated by the construction of dreams through this booming photographic world. Once she started to delve deeper into this new traditional she found a unique window into China. One that revealed a country dreaming, a country rapidly booming and a country reconstructing its recent past trauma all through their own lens. China Love takes us on a wild journey into the warmth of the family web in China into the hearts of our characters and into their personal dreams with an understanding of why and where these aspirations come from. The project explores China's new position as a globalised country from its restrictive and highly traditional past - through the window of its booming wedding industry and asks what is the new China Dream when it comes to love.
纪录片 历史 其它